Service Area


Wheat Belt's service territory covers approximately 3,600 square miles of the southern portion of the Nebraska panhandle. Parts of seven counties are served - Banner, Morrill, Cheyenne, Deuel, Garden, Keith and Arthur. The communities of Sunol, Gurley, Dalton, Lorenzo and Redington are supplied by Wheat Belt PPD. Within the service area the towns of Broadwater, Lisco, Oshkosh, Lodgepole, Lewellen and Big Springs, are supplied energy by NPPD (Nebraska Public Power District), Sidney and Chappell are members of the MEAN (Municipal Energy Association of Nebraska). The Wheat Belt PPD main office is located in Sidney, Nebraska: two outposts are located in the towns of Dalton and Oshkosh.

As of December 2022, Wheat Belt has 164 miles of transmission line, 2,193 miles of overhead distribution and another 157 miles of underground distribution.  The load is divided into 1,973 rural and town residential services, 1,289 seasonal services, 998 irrigation accounts, 641 small commercials (under one MVA) and 11 industrial accounts (over one MVA) and 125 lighting and public facilities.

In 2022, kWh sales totaled 181.6 million with revenues of over $22.1 million.  Wheat Belt's winter peak is approximately 19.4 MW while the summer peak was 57.6 MW, a direct result of our irrigation load.

Wheat Belt Public Power District